Tips for A Better Golf Game

May 26, 2022

Why Play Golf

Golf is one of the most popular sports here in Southeastern North Carolina. While people often think of activities like football, soccer, or bike riding to be more physical, there’s more to golf than meets the eye. It’s highly physical and involves a lot of planning, joint positioning, walking, and rotation of the upper body. Whether you like to be the golf cart DJ with an ice-cold beer or more competitive on the course, here are a few tips from Brunswick Forest to better your golf game.

What You Can Do To Refine Your Game

Our Championship Golf Course, Cape Fear National, is one of the best places North of Myrtle Beach to play 18-holes. There’s also significant space to practice your putting and driving as well. But let’s say that you’re looking to refine your game before you even step foot on the course. While the experts in the pro shop of Cape Fear National, and the clinicians down at Coastal Integrative Health in Leland can give you a few pointers on optimizing your game, there’s a lot you can learn on your own too.

Setting Goals

One of the easiest ways you can improve your golf game for the upcoming months is to set realistic goals for yourself on and off the course. Short-term and long-term goals are both equally important, making it easier to narrow down what part of your game needs refinement. Maybe you might make a note to keep your head down when you swing, always aim pin high with each shot, or even try to break a certain number of strokes. Regardless of what goals you set, try to stick to them for as long as you can until good habits form subconsciously. As with any physical activity, consistency is the key.

Get Fitted for Your Clubs

When you think about it, golf clubs are kind of like shoes. Sure, you can technically pick up a set and use them, but you won’t get the most out of them until they fit you comfortably. Sometimes your skills suffer when you don’t have the right tools for the job, and the same is true for golf. Each golfer has their unique play style and swing. Golf clubs work best for the player when they are custom-tailored to suit their needs. It could be that your clubs need stiffer shafts or must be sized correctly. The best way to get well-fitted clubs is to visit a professional fitter, where you can talk about your golfing habits and see what works best for you.

Work on Your Swing

One of the most important aspects of any great golf game is your swing. The movement starts in the feet, launches forward through the rotation of the hips, and finally rotation of the shoulders. Swinging a club seems deceptively simple but has few elements that matter during a round of golf. One of the easiest ways you can develop a better swing is to simply practice more. Get a club in your hand and keep on practicing your swing until everything feels natural. While going to the driving range is one of the best ways to practice, there are a lot of ways you can practice at home in a safe open space. Play around with your technique and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Hold Your Pose After Every Shot

One of the most often neglected aspects of a good golf swing is holding the follow-through pose. Many don’t pay attention to this crucial detail in their game but holding that pose at the end of each swing is critical to recognizing ball contact and positioning. There are three important aspects to focus on for a proper finishing pose; your belt needs to be facing the target, the back heel must be raised fully off the ground, and balance should be maintained. Working on this follow-through pose will help you refine one of the most overlooked aspects of golf.

Practice these techniques and slowly implement them into your golfing routine, and you could see some improvement! Most importantly of all be sure to take care of your body and have a routine to help work and stretch your muscles. This will ensure that you will not only maximize the results of your golf game but also allow you to enjoy the sport for longer!