January 9, 2014
Brunswick Forest

The New Year brings brand new opportunities to start fresh and new, including 5 ways to get and (hopefully) stay organized in 2014! Make life in the New Year more functional, organized and easy all around with our tips!

1.Clear the cleaning product clutter- be practical and use a hanging shoe rack to store your cleaning supplies behind any door. This instantly creates extra under counter and closet space!

2.Find a place for the little trinkets- every home has the little do-dads that don’t really have a home whether you are a crafter, baker or anything in between. Try using mason jars to organize the extra bits of things that take up space!

3.De-clutter the garage for extra overall space- take advantage of the useful and in most cases plentiful wall space found in garages for organizing. Store plastic containers on a high shelf while using the lower wall space for hooks to get rakes, shovels and any other outdoor tools hung up and out of the corner!

4.Categorize and group to organize the pantry- make finding that small canister of paprika easier by labeling, categorizing and grouping like items in the pantry!

5.Give your home a strict rule to live by- one in and one out. Each time you bring something new into the home, something else has to go!

Follow these easy steps to help keep your Brunswick Forest home clean and achieve organizational bliss all year long!

See more organizational tips here!